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Case Studies

Youth Perspectives on Postsecondary Opportunity & Participation

Three sets of case studies examine the ways low-income youth make meaning of their educational experiences to and through postsecondary education. Individually, the case studies aim to provide rich details of low-income students at specific trajectories and sectors of postsecondary participation. Taken together, they provide a holistic portrait of how youth negotiate their daily lives with college participation.


For more information on each case study, click below:

Community College Pathways: Los Angeles

Focus on various pathways students traverse within local community colleges.

Postsecondary Participation of Low-Income Women: Riverside

Focus on low-income single mothers access to postsecondary institutions.

Transition to Postsecondary Education: San Diego

Focus on transition from high school to postsecondary of 100 low-income students.


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